where in the world is wonder woman?

Wonder Woman on Facebook

Excited is an understatement. One day, very soon, I might get to meet my favourite superhero of all-time. Wonder Woman.

glorious technicolour.

Bright hair SS11

Anyone who knows me (or who has at least known me for a few years) will know that I am a huge fan of brightly coloured hair, often artistically and lovingly crafted in a whole rainbow of colours.

wonder woman to the mac.

I am in geek-girl heaven. Just take a look at what MAC cosmetics have coming out in March 2011. As soon as I know the actual release date, I will be booking the day off so I can stand outside the MAC store in Westfield like a total loser to snap up the whole collection.

less bang. more buck (naked).

Marc Jacobs Bang

I just don’t get it. I mean, i’m really confused. Fragrance ads are supposed to be all sexy, or controversial or at least exude some kind of image we aspire to; “if I smell of *enter cleverly ‘intriguing’ fragrance name” i’ll become irrestible to all men / women”, right? So, Marc Jacobs, I don’t understand.

quick win clarins!

Clarins Ant-Wrinkle Kit

Clarins UK have relaunched their Facebook page, moving to a new one (probably because Facebook have some downright ridiculous rules around this – but that’s another story). To celebrate, they’re giving away a handy Clarins Wrinkle Correcting Kit, nice.