your name’s not down, you’re not coming in.

Got to Dance

WARNING: RANT ALERT! Ok, I’ve given you fair warning. Here it comes. I cannot express how angry I am with whoever is managing the social media for Sky 1’s Got to Dance.


For no other reason than the fact that this cake is awesome, I give you: playable angry birds birthday cake.

watchitoo and wear it.

Timo Weiland on Fashism

In line with the Mashable article I posted a link to on Saturday, it seems more and more designers are climbing on board the social media train. Oh yes, woo-woo etc. Yeah, anyway…

luxury brands do it online.

Marc Jacobs live show

Ok, very, very short post for you here because I found a very interesting article on Mashable tonight that I think you should cast your eyes over about luxury fashion brands getting their online act together.

#lfw window display is top(shop).

Topshop window display

London Fashion Week started today which means we’re starting to see Oxford Street retailers get in on the act. So who else would you expect to beleading the way except Topshop?